Connecting All Fans to All Social Media.

Zach approached us with a specific goal in mind. Create a website that serves to direct fans to all social media outlets. Zach has a combined fan base of over 200,000, so we needed to create a website that could handle the traffic and efficiently integrate Twitter and Instagram. does just this. The server is scaled for high-volume traffic and Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, YouNow, and Facebook are linked to and integrated. The website has been a hit for his fans!

A Sleek Design that Matches His Style.

The challenge with creating this website was finding a common theme that coincides with Zach Nelson’s artistic style.

How’d We Do It?

With a new photoshoot and darker, lightweight theme, we were able to accomplish this goal.

“Zach is noted within the online community for his original work as well as covers of Daya, Tyler Ward, and Runner Runner, receiving recognition and praise directly from the respective musicians themselves.”

Technologies Used

Zach Nelson Music was custom coded using the WordPress platform. Using the WordPress CMS, Zach can now easily edit his own website without prior knowledge of programming languages. The custom WordPress theme we developed was created using CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, and PHP.

Zach Nelson Music


Location: San Jose

Project Type: Website

Platform: WordPress